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Things You May Not Have Known About Composite Metal Fabrication

Nearly everything we use in our lives has in some way been affected by composite metal fabrication. The buildings around us to the vehicles we drive use some type of composite metal. It’s something we normally don’t think much about. But composite metal fabrication has some interesting history. Here are some little-known facts.

  • If two pieces of metal touch each other in space, they will instantly become welded--or stuck--together permanently. This will happen if the metal is untreated. This can’t happen on Earth because of the oxide in our atmosphere.

  • Over 950 hours of welding and fabrication is done to create a Nascar vehicle worthy of track racing.

  • Due to the expansion of the iron and steel that makes up the Eiffel Tower, it is six inches taller in the summer than it is in the winter. The tower was constructed with over 18,000 pieces of large wrought

  • Egyptians used metal fabrication to create jewelry as early as 4,000 B.C.

  • Metal fabrication can be found in electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops, furniture, and jewelry. Aircraft, boats, and vehicles are also made with welding and other sources of metal fabrication.

  • The majority of doorknobs in public places are made from brass. Brass is a copper alloy and has natural antibacterial components to it. Most public handrails are also made of brass.

  • The most common metal found in the Earth’s crust is aluminum. The most prominent metal in the Earth’s core and on the planet is iron.

  • Platinum, gold, and silver are known as precious—or noble—metals. They are the only metals that won’t corrode or oxidize in moisture.

  • Mixing two types of metals or a metal and another component create alloys.

  • Steel is easy to separate from other items using magnets. Therefore, steel rates among the highest recyclable in the United States. There is more steel recycled annually than glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum combined.

For more information about composite metal fabrication services, contact the team at CEI Composites today.